HammRadio Today: 8/29/2008 --
Next VP? Governor Palin or Tina Fey???
Last Modified
8/29/2008 3:16 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Did John McCain make a mistake with the Palin nomination? Is he pandering to the wrong crowd? What does Tina Fey think about all this?
Is John McCain pandering to Hillary Clinton voters? Or just fans of 30 Rock?
MSNBC commentator Pat Buchanan, himself a former Republican presidential contender in 1992 and 1996, said, ?She?s an NRA (National Rifle Association) lifetime member, she?s a right-to-life feminist, she has every credential as a conservative, she is young, she exciting, she?s a mom with five kids.?
But, he cautioned, ?The huge gamble is that John McCain is 72, he?s had a couple of bouts with cancer.? If McCain wins the election, but then were to die or become disabled, Buchanan wondered, ?Can this woman be President of the United States??
I certainly believe America is ready for a woman president. But is she one? Don't get me wrong, the former runner up in Miss Alaska is kinda hot. In that Tina Fey sort of way, that you know I like. But how can you nominate someone who has significantly LESS experience than Barack Obama, and then go out and attack him on that experience.
And certainly how can you match her up against someone like Joe Biden? Who will trounce her in debates, most likely and called a big bully for it, I'm sure. But she's not going to court the ultra liberal feminists who supported the Clinton candidacy. And the middle ground female voters won't like her stances on abortion. And she wants to drill in the Arctic, "Fuck you Al Gore." I don't know. I think the 72 year old McCain might have made a mistake here.
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