HammRadio Today: 7/14/2008 --
I once spent 2 years rebuilding an Infrastructure Once
Last Modified
7/14/2008 11:18 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
When you live in an old city like Philadelphia, a city my dad calls a 'Colonial City', eventually the infrastructure breaks down. What are the costs? And why are our politicians using SimCity to Solve the Problem?

When you live in an old city like Philadelphia, a city my dad calls "a Colonial City", eventually the infrastructure breaks down. On the edge of Germantown and Chestnut Hill, the costs of rebuilding streets affect not only the drivers, bikers and walkers but it also affects the businesses that surround the street.
How important is the infrastructure. Well it's so important that the Governors have elected Ed Rendell and rebuilding the roads and the bridges is main focus of his agenda. KInd of like when Miss America picks feeding poor albino pigs as her platform.
What is the solution. For some, it's Eminent Domain.
Don't worry kids that we are losing our home. PennDot just gave us this new stuffed animal emmy domain!For others, it's... AH we'll make it toll road. What the fuck is this the Sim City version of governing? COME ON.
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
- Beatles iPod?
- Maybe, but you can only find it at Bloomies.
- I'm not your friend guy, I'm not your guy buddy.
- It seems Canada doesn't want our current deserters. Probably didn't like the last batch of deserters either. Mixing our American blood with theirs. And you wonder why Hockey is on a downswing.
- HammRadio.com's suggested On-Line listening Stations
- Pows of the Day:
Coldplay "Viva La Vida" Indie 103.1
Foo Fighters "Keep the Car Running" (Arcade Fire cover aka the Deadwood theme song) Indie 103.1
Bad Religion "21st Century Digital Boy" Indie 103.1
*** POW OF THE DAY ***
My Daily Spot
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