HammRadio Today: 9/26/2007 --
Gundy Tirade Spills Out And he was right!
Last Modified
9/26/2007 6:20 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
One of the all time sports tirades generates a ton of controversy. It raises questions on sexism and the treatment of college athletes. Have you weighed in yet? Because everyone seems tohave.

First of all that tirade is one of the greatest tirades in the history of Sports Tirades. But some people think that this tirade wouldn't have occured if the author of the column was a man. I think that's kind of weak. Jason Whitlock is embarassed by the column. Here the author of the column speaks out. Her editor??? A very scary looking man.
Oh yeah... read the article that started it all. I really have no opinion on it, because I read message boards and blogs all the time that have the same journalistic quality. And I think that's the problem.
Spend a few minutes reading fans, intelligent fans, on Beerleaguer.com discuss the Phillies. It's out of control sometimes. Especially the personal attacks. Read the Local Message boards for Big 5 basketball teams and you read the same kind of personal attacks. The real question at the end of the day here is, whether you should treat a College Athelete differently than a pro. Instead of praising this kid for having a good relationship with his mother or praising the mother for behing involved and caring about her son. This writer decides to attack his manhood. And that's what got Gundy all upset. I'm with him.
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
- The Braves Intend to be Playoff Spoilers
- I hate the Braves. Not as much as I hate the Mets. But pretty close. I hate that Larry Jones too. Speaking of Chipper. It's funny that fans chant "Larry" his reall name as a way to deride him. However, Philly fans would chant "Mookie" to Mookie Wilson, yet his real name was William. I guess it's all about what sounds better, I guess. But I don't know how calling Jones his real name would get under his skin. I would assume chanting Questec might.
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2. Make sure you have lots of snacks around.- Was the Pope Euthanized???
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- But this story alone, seems like a good opening statement on banning football forever. Let's just hopoe that the brain injuries he suffered don't lead him down the path of Andre Waters or Chris Benoit or OJ Simpson.dd>
- Septa makes a concerted effort to screw people
- This is situation is what makes Septa a horrible organization. This particular problem goes after people who don't regularly ride Septa. People that Septa should be courting. Instead, they are trying to get their CASH up front. So they are screwing the guy who is taking the train for the day. Instead of making it easy for the guy who is taking the train for the first time and making that an ride enjoyable experience. He is greeted with an unreasonable surcharge, that makes him pissed off and angry. You have to imagine this guy feels stupid because he has to pay an unnecessary charge that he wasn't aware of. Now you have this consumer who feels like he was put upon and stuck because he lives at a station that doesn't have a ticket machine. This lack of foresight from Septa is something that NEEDS to be changed. The next mayor of Philadelphia has to do something about it. Or else, I'm just going to have to run for Mayor. And none of you want that!
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