HammRadio Today: 8/22/2007 --
Bill Murray having Keith Hernandez moment?
Last Modified
8/22/2007 5:53 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Is Bill Murray having his Keith Hernandez Moment when he steals a golf cart??? And will I get sued when I make my Pain Don't Hurt t-shirts???
The Sports Guy, Bill Simmons, calls the "Keith Hernandez" moment, when a celebrity or sports star, decides, Hey I'm Keith Hernandez, I can do whatever I want, in reference to the moment when Hernandez overcomes his issue with kissing Elaine by reminding himself of his own stature.
I'm imagining that was Bill Murray's thought process when he took a golf cart for a drunken ride through Sweden. He probably said to himself, "I'm Bill Murray, not only am I former SNL cast member, a critically acclaimed Actor and Comedian, but I was in frigging the greatest GOLF movie ever made, perhaps the greatest Sports Comedy EVER. I was the LOOPER for the Frigging Lama... No one is going to say a damn thing about this right??? Besides it's not like I was actually DRINKING and DRIVING... It's a Golf Cart... what am I going to kill besides a gopher??? or a groundhog. Dirty Varmints.
Las Vegas sale: Hotels from only $40. Offer good through 9/11/07.
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We further ask the NFL, Falcons, and the sponsors not to permanently ban Mr. Vick from his ability to bring hours of enjoyment to fans all over this country."
But this statement is true:Some have said things to save their own necks," White said. "Michael Vick has received more negative press than if he had killed a human being."
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