HammRadio Today: 8/23/2007 --
A$$-Holes of the week EVERYWHERE!!
Last Modified
8/23/2007 7:35 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
We've been lax bringing you our A$$-holes of the week. Sometimes, there isn't an asshole during the week. But this week there are tons.
We've been lax bringing you our A$$-holes of the week. Sometimes, there isn't an asshole during the week. Or at least one that we've paid attention to. Or the fact that that we have hundreds of postings that we never posted. So I guess in many ways... I'm the A$$-Hole of the week. Well this week we have the usual suspects, and some new ones. And you will have to find out WHO, tomorrow on HammRadio.com's A$$-hole of the week. Now the links to see some nominees.
Las Vegas sale: Hotels from only $40. Offer good through 9/11/07.
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
- News "Flash!!" Monique Braxton Gets to the bottom of the story.
- Not only did this um, prick, assault his mother, who happens to be a Judge with bad taste in clothes and makeup, but he also decided to show his package to a reporter. Right here in Philly. Pal, you are in the lead for A$$-Hole of the week.
- DNA testing her husband's underwear???
- Don't cheat fellas. Especially when your wife has the resources of the FBI or CSI to find you.
- Countrywide CEO says Recession Likely
- You think so Doctor??? I love when these pricks who have been making money hand over fist with questionable business practices. Then throw their hands up at the end and say... well it wasn't my fault. Nobody told me it was wrong. FUCK YOU.
- Vietnam is PISSED about What Bush Said.
- Bush was a history major, and LIVED through this history. Yet learned nothing from it. Bush you are an A$$-Hole. BTW, here's another 70s flashback for you. They are going to let this guy free? I mean don't get me wrong, Wallace was a racist prick. But this guy should be in jail for life. Or at the very least, let Wallace' family cut his achilles tendon and force him to get around in a wheel chair for the rest of his life.
- Mitt Romney won't watch September Dawn
- I probably wouldn't watch a movie with Jon Voight either. But it seems it's also about A Mormon massacre. These Mormons seem like good people. The worst thing for Romney, is when people start to look at their religion and it becomes closer and closer to a cult like Scientology than a Religion. Dum Duh Dum Dum Dum.
- Vladimir Putin... is Dead Sexy.
- Vladimir Putin starring in As the River Runs Through It: It's Putin Time.
- Free Chick-Fil-A sandwich?
- Oh yes... you can get one here. But you can't get one on a Sunday. Unless you buy one Saturday night and save it for Sunday. That's the only way you can do it. Respect the Sabbath.
- HammRadio.com's suggested On-Line listening Stations
- Pows of the Day:
The Pixies "Here Comes Your Man" Indie 103.1
Nada Surf "Hi-Speed Soul" Indie 103.1
*** POW OF THE DAY ***
My Daily Spot
I keep forgetting to put this new feature on the site as a blogroll somewhere. But I wanted to give you a peak into some of the links I check out daily/regulary. I call it "My Daily Spot".
My Daily Spot
- Google
- Hot Deals Club - frequently updated with the be...
- KYW Newsradio 1060
- MSNBC Cover
- mbuzzy.com -
- Digg.com
- My Way
- My iWon
- Philadelphia Traffic Reports
- Phillies 2006 Schedule
- Philly Future - Philadelphia Blogs
- Philly.com
- Sports Guy
- The 9 for Tuesday July 18th
- The Onion | America's Finest News Source
- USATODAY.com - Pop Candy
- W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
- Windows Live
- Woot : One Day, One Deal
- Blog listing from Salon.com
- Hot Chicks with Douchebags
- Pogue's Posts - Technology - New York Times Blog
- The Superficial - Because You're Ugly
- MSNBC -- Clicked
- Hot Deals Club - frequently updated with the be...
General News
- craigslist: philadelphia online community
- iWon
- Lycos Your Personal Internet Guide
- Excite.com
- My Yahoo!
- iWon