HammRadio Today: 08/15/2006--
Missing The First Inning
Last Modified
8/15/2006 6:44 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Well, somehow I missed the most bizarre first inning of a Phillies game all year. Go Me!

It's hard to believe in this day and age, a situation where you would miss the beginning of a baseball game. My Dad calls it un-American if you are not at your seats during the National Anthem. Not that anyone is keeping track. But I hate being late for a baseball game. And I rarely... if ever... leave a baseball game early. Right now, I can think of about 3 Phillies games ever where we left early.
Yesterday, I ran a little late at work, and new I would miss the first inning of the game. I was somehow able to get to the stadium about 7:30, just in time for Abraham Nunez's 3-run Double. to complete the scoring in the 6-run first, that featured 2 hit-batsmen, a balk, a pick-off throw error, and ONE pissed off Pedro Martinez. I expected a pitcher's duel. Only Cole Hamels seemed up to the challenge.
I thought to myself, man, the Phillies scored 6 runs in the first. I'll be luck to see anything close to that. Well, the Phils went on to score 7 more runs. Mostly on the heels of Jimmy Rollins, who is HOT like Wasabi right now. And if he continues his hot streak, the Phillies will win MORE games. Last year's hitting streak not only put Rollins on the lips over baseball fan across the country, but also helped the Phillies get to ONE game out of the Wild Card. That's right folks. It's not Pitching, nor Utley, nor Howard that will win the Wild Card for the Phillies.
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
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- Waiting for the Next Sports Guy article? How about a little TMQ?
- Gregg Easterbrook is back on ESPN.com. I assume the NFL tired of the criticism layed at it's front door. As long as Easterbrook doesn't pull a Mel Gibson again, he should have a lengthy career at the Page Duece.
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