Think God has a Problem with Washington DC??
Last Modified
6/28/2006 12:01 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Perhaps it was Pat Robertson who started the rage. Or perhaps it was Ray Nagin. Or perhaps Job. No not G.O.B. But blaming God for natural disasters is well the thing to do it seems.

Perhaps it was Pat Robertson who started the rage. Or perhaps it was Ray Nagin. Or perhaps Job. No not G.O.B. But blaming God for natural disasters is well the thing to do it seems. So I'll jump on the bandwagon. Heavy rains this weekend battered the East Coast this week. Causing flooding everywhere. Including Washington DC.
Look at this tree. Seems it got PRETTY DARN close to the White House.
Think God has a problem with George W. Bush? I'm going to say YES!