HammRadio Today: 06/20/2005
Last Modified
6/21/2005 1:56 AM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Are you technical literate? Do you know how to operate your vehicle or DVD player? How about your Soniccare toothbrush? Bet you Robert Horry does.

Reply To All? BCC??? Come On people!
My roommate and I were having a discussion about the technical literacy in America. And we've found as tech folks (developers/dbas/consultants) we are LIGHT years past the average user. Whether it's downloading music to your iPod or hooking up a DVD player or installing a sound card, it comes natural to us.
Countless times, I'm called upon by family and friends to talk them through technical issues like I was Sanji from Dell India. I don't need to have a simulated system in front of me. I don't need to know what kind of camera you have. Nothing. You tell me what's on your screen, I'll tell you what to type. It's that simple.
So coming soon in our Digital Data section we will start giving out Tips and Tricks on HOW you can master the confusing world of computers!!! We'll start with helping out the folks at the University of Kansas who haven't learned the concept of BCC or alias lists. Feel free to e-mail us here at hammradio any technical questions you might have. And we'll forward you to our operators standing by in Calcutta.
- Learn to the use of BCC
- E-mail in the wrong hands can be very dangerous. This reminds of that show Popular when one girl sent out an e-mail to the entire school about an erection. I'd be more specifc, but to be honest, that would require me to admit I stayed up until 3am last night watching Popular on DVD. But what I did learn that my expression "She's WB Hot" is dead on correct!
- Sports Guy on Robert Horry
- It's pretty simple, If you want any guy in the world to make a clutch shot for you, it's Robert Horry. He should even be brought in for dates, to help a guy score. I'm serious! You gotta figure, you could call him up like he was Mike Damone bringing you, your wallet that you forgot. Only trouble is, like Damone, he could very well steal Jennifer Jason Leigh right out from under you.
- A$$-hole of the week Nominee: Ketchup Stained Lawyer
- It's going to be very tough for anyone to top this jackhole this week. Guy gets some ketchup on his pants, and makes his secretary WHO'S MOM JUST DIED pay for the cleaning bill.
- It's about time, Spade
- I don't know if it was Farley's death or the idea of watching Laura San Giacomo's breast battle gravity, but why Spade hasn't reached the Ferrell/Sandler pinnacle boggles the mind. Maybe, this is the vehicle that will do it. On Saturday Night Live, Spade had a great recurring bit called the Hollywood Minute, where he would slice and dice celebs. He was SO rude about Eddie Murphy, that Eddie called him and yelled at him for 20 minutes. I can't wait to hear what he has to say about Cruise, Hilton and Lohan. And maybe someday, Me, Mike Cunningham!!!