HammRadio Today: 12/17/2007 --
Erect Brian Westbrook's Statue NOW!!! Okay, McNabb and Runyan too.
Last Modified
12/17/2007 6:06 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Here are some thoughts on the day after the Birds victory over Dallas, while I plan to erect statues to Brian Westbrook, Jon Runyan, Brian Dawkins and McNabb.

Here are some thoughts on the day after the Birds victory over Dallas. Did I mention I predicted victory last week? First, Brian Westbrook's selfless kneel down at the 1 yard line, should go down in history with one of the greatest moments in Eagles History. How many games have we seen end in the past 2 seasons, end because the Eagles engineer a comeback or score late, but leave enough time for the opposing to score quickly? Tampa Bay 2006, Bears 2007, just to name 2. Kudos to Jon Runyan, to reminding BWest. Click that link before the video disappears!
Rich Hoffman tries to figure out what team is the REAL Eagles team. He needs the help, since he's written 3 or 4 Eagles/Reid/McNabb era obituaries this season. How about the curse of Tony Romo's girlfriends? Last year, it was Carrie Underwood. This year, it was Jessica. I'm sending Tony Romo Alycia Lane's number as we speak.
Iggles Blog Takes on McNabb hypocrit critics. Yes, the offense had some problems yesterday, but it wasn't McNabb issues. It was the tremendous pressure the Cowboys front seven, McNabb faced. He was able to escape some with some scrambles. But on plays like that failed flea flicker, He could do nothing about. And for you Donovan haters, there were a few plays that Donovan through at the feet of Westbrook. That were ON PURPOSE. Throwing the ball away to avoid a sack and and interception. YOU MORONS.
LZ Granderson has an interesting take on Andy Reid and his courage in the face of adversity. And perhaps this type of courage could help the city. It's an interesting point. At the end of the day, I'm not sure how a family in North Philly who has a son murdered or another son arrested for murder, give a flying fig about some rich white dude on the Main Line's drug addict sons. But maybe they can relate I don't know. What I do know, is that Reid has really kept this team afloat the last two years under great adversity. (2005 NOT SO MUCH). Even if the playcalling is less than desired. The gritty performance by his Birds is one of the ages.
Some other quick thougts: It was fitting that Brian Dawkins sealed the game with an interception. It was his first of the season, but you can tell the naysayers, that BDawk is not Done. Great games by Lito Sheppard and the Defensive Line. Can we give Jim Johnson another raise? Thank you.
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
- Court Rules that White House Visitor Logs are public domain.
- Take that, little Jimmy O'Connell and the rest of your 5th grade class. Now everyone knows that you vistied Bush on your school trip. Try running for Congress in 30 years!!!
- Russia sells Iran Nuclear Fuel
- Wait a minute, that's all we need to do to stop this problem??? Let the Russians provide Iran with nuclear fuel!??? How about if we give them Rock and Rolll and blue jeans? Will that work too?
- Laura Nachman has a couple of blurbs on Alycia Lane
- Lane has a mouth on her doesn't she?
- Couldn't happen to a nicer guy
- One of my buddies last week called me up and left a message praying for an Eli Manning injury. I'm unsure why he hates Manning so much. To me, he's irrelevant. Now, Jeremy Shockey on the other hand, is an A$$-hole.
- I'm shocked that Jemele Hill took this stand
- Andy Pettite who has been nothing but a good guy in most every report, gets assailed by Hill. My guess it's because people have treated Bonds worse. The difference here Hill, is that Pettite stood up like a man. So did Paul Byrd. Believe them if you want. But I'm still waiting to hear from Bonds on this subject.
- Modern Day Slavery
- Hard to believe this happens in 2007. My favorite part of the story? The alleged slave holding couple accuses their "slaves" of Witchcraft!
- Woman brings Dead Husband to Steelers game
- Man I thought this was going to be a different story. Reminds of the line from Clerks:
Randal Graves: My mom's been fuckin' a dead guy for 30 years. I call him dad.
- Is Scott Boras done?
- I mean technically, AROD doesn't get this level of a deal without Boras setting the price 5 years ago. But Boras really screwed up. It's time for Major League Baseball players to freeze out Boras and let him negotiate NHL Hockey Deals
- Video of the Day: YouTube: Don't scare a brother
- There are two clips. Both made me laugh like hell.
- The Year of the Cell Phone
- Steve Jobs man of the year????
- Mike Huckabee's son is worse than Michael Vick
- If there's any group of people you less want against you, besides the Christian Right, it's the Dog People!
- Concerning No Doubt: I love this story
+ No Doubt are polishing off the songs, basic tracks, and album art for their reunion record, their first studio set since 2001. But there's one thing left to do: Gwen Stefani still needs to record the vocals.
You know it's funny, I read this same thing about the next Destiny's Child album.- HammRadio.com's suggested On-Line listening Stations
- Pows of the Day:
Lemonheads "It's a Shame About Ray" Indie 103.1
Band of Horses "Is There A Ghost" Indie 103.1
Foo Fighters "Long Road To Ruin" Indie 103.1
***Goo Goo Dolls "We Are The Normal" Lithium 90s Alternative -- Sirius
*** POW OF THE DAY ***
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