HammRadio Today: 11/30/2007 --
Introducing Jesus Ruxpin
Last Modified
11/30/2007 6:34 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
I try to solve the crisis in the Sudan, by introducing a new toy line. I'll probably go to hell for this. And before I do, I write a letter to my 8th grade self.

The story about the British woman who let her students name a teddy bear after the prophet muhammed has really gotten out of hand. Now, some are calling for her EXECUTION!!!
They called for Gibbons' execution, saying, "No tolerance: Execution," and "Kill her, kill her by firing squad."
Now, the one thing of which she can be found guilty is being stupid. In this climate, in the Sudan, that makes no sense. Although, I understand her point, I mean the bear was cute. And of course, if the crazy goat farmer down the block, is named after the prophet, what's the difference. No one makes mention of it, here in America, that we name most of our middle infielders after Jesus.
What this story does prove is that we have a long way to go before we can understand the issue. Here's an example:
Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, spiritual leader of the world's 77 million Anglicans, said Gibbons' prosecution and conviction was "an absurdly disproportionate response to what is at worst a cultural faux pas."
I'm fascinated that the leader of a such a huge church has boiled down the issue to a wearing white after Labor Day. Thanks Your Excellency. Compared to what this Muslim cleric said:
This an arrogant woman who came to our country, cashing her salary in dollars, teaching our children hatred of our Prophet Muhammad," he said.
I mean DAMN!
Catholics long ago got rid of the commandment about graven images. You can see us walking around with our lord and savior nailed to a metal cross. That's ONE heck of a graven image. So you can see that we have EMBRACED the image of our lord. And we suggest the Muslims do the same.
That's why here at HammRadio.com, we've decided to get into the fray and help calm everyone down, by introducing a mascot that will bring peace to this dispute. Here's Jesus Ruxpin:
That's Pronounced HAY-zeus Ruxpin. This halo'd stuffed animal will delight your children with it's bible stories in both Spanish, English and Klingon. It's a surefire Holiday season gift.
And now the links:
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
- The Lead Singer of Midnight Oil, NOW a Shadow Minister.
- Man, I don't know what that is, but it's the coolest title EVER. This story did remind me that I do not have, Oil's last album before Peter Garrett Left, Capricornia. Since my hard drive crash, and my music Tsunami, I have to rebuild the collection. I'm not looking forward to that.
- Covering the Sean Taylor situation the right way:
- This is the reason why the Inquirer got rid of Stephen A. Smith.
- The Amazon.com Kindle
- I really want one of these. I don't need it. But I really want it!
- Sports Guy writes a letter to his 8th grade self
- I wish I could write a letter to my 8th grade self, it would probably tell him the following:
Dear Mike:
Just because that girl Danielle told Vicky and Jo-El that you were a bad kisser, should not make you fearful of kissing woman. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT let five years go before working up the nerve to kiss a girl. Also, on New Years Eve 1988, the fog rolls in to Chicago, sneak out of the house before the game starts. And a 3.5 probably would have got you a scholarship to college. Live AT School. When your blah blah, grabs your cheeks in the AV office, and says, "YOU ARE SO CUTE". Do not let that go!!! Ask her out!
That's all I have for now, I will explain later about learning web code sooner and how to start a dot com and the wonder of stock options.Love, Future Mike
P.S. -- Buy Microsoft and Apple stock.
- Biden says he will Impeach Bush if he tries to Bomb Iran.
- If it gets them impeached... I think I'm all for bombing Iran. I think we can all agree on that right?
- Damn... That's a lot of data.
- See if we printed all this data on Toilet Paper, we wouldn't have to pay taxes on it.
- Read the hard story about MIA
- I'm sorry this just sounds like record label propaganda. I heard the same things about the lead singer of Bow Wow Wow.
- HammRadio.com's suggested On-Line listening Stations
- Pows of the Day:
Psychedelic Furs "Pretty In Pink" Indie 103.1
*** POW OF THE DAY ***
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