HammRadio Today: 8/13/2007 --
When Pro Wrestling Gets Mainstream Attention
Last Modified
8/13/2007 11:45 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
I love when traditional media try to describe what happens at a wrestling event. Mainstream Media doesn't understand pro wrestling. They think it's a sideshow at a circus. Okay, that's where this whole things started isn't it?
I love when traditional media try to describe what happens at a wrestling event. Mainstream Media doesn't understand pro wrestling. They think it's a sideshow at a circus. Okay, that's where this whole things started isn't it?
This best part is they have no idea how to distinguish what happens on the screen. Whether it's fake or not. Or does it even matter. Pro Wrestling doesn't care because they got their attention. But if you don't know anything about pro wrestling. Don't talk about it.
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
- Van Halen Go for it again!!!
- This article is great. From David Lee Roth hogging all the conversation. To basically calling Gary Cherone a train wreck. I love it.
- Romney is rich.
- This just blew my mind. I still don't know what a blind trust is. But I think invest the same way. Completely blind.
- McNabb, it's now or never.
- This article for Philly fans should have been titled, why we will be calling for Kevin Kolb to start in November.
- I don't watch Showtime shows.
- Not sure if I'm going to start either.
- All you need is Fax and email.
- Now this is the life. Working from home, in some resort town. This is the future my friends. This is my future!!! Of course, I never leave me home. Except for the shore. I could live down the shore and do my job I think??? I just need to get one of those fax machines.
- Some guys resign, when under fire...
- Others, like this guy... kill themselves. NOW that's Accountability. I'm not saying that Rove should commit Hari Kari, but he is a jerk. And so is his boss.
- Ladies and gentleman... President Shecky Greene!
- Take My First Lady, PLEASE! This might be the first problem with the Comedy Centralization of the Presidential Race. Thanks Stewart.
- Babe Ruth... Ladies Man
- Is this something we didn't know??? Brain hurts... let's look at the first ever gangster film. NO NOT GANGSTA!! Weird thing, DeNiro's in this one too.
- Yeah, HOW does the Fed dump money back in the system.
- My brain hurts. I need some medicine. Here's some Ted Leo.
- Skeletons found in Florida forest.
- If one of these bodies is Elian Gonzalez, I'll be pissed. Although, it could be just set dressing for CSI: Miami.
- I love the word SCUMBAG.
- But the idea that our kids are fighting the "terrorists" is a BOLD FACE LIE. Thanks Bush.
- Fix the shuttle or not?
Endeavour’s crew plans to conduct two more spacewalks on Wednesday and Friday, and they could add the gouge repairs to their to-do list. Depending on the extent of the damage, astronauts can apply protective paint, screw on a shielding panel, or squirt in filler goo.
This is what NASA has become. "Filler goo" you might as well send up some packing peanuts and duct tape- I'm not a big fan of Dog Owners...
- Especially these people. But I gotta say, I'm not sure about Ralphie either. Please note that the opinions expressed about the previous guy named Ralphie has no warranty or is meant to be libelous in any way possible at all. Just making sure this guy doesn't try to sue me.
- HammRadio.com's suggested On-Line listening Stations
- Pows of the Day:
Bloc Party "Banquet" Indie 103.1
Death Cab For Cutie "Title and Registration" Indie 103.1
Grant Lee Buffalo "My, My, My" iPod
*** POW OF THE DAY ***
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