9 Things About the Phillies Game Last Night
Last Modified
8/8/2007 5:09 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Fun game at the ballpark last night... Here are 9 things that I thought about after the game.

Fun game at the ballpark last night... Moyer's shaky start was helped by a nice strike zone and he kept hitting those marks. Save for the opening homer, it wasn't like Moyer's was getting smoked. They were just hit where Phillies weren't.
He did a nice job settling down and had a few inning stretch where he had shut down the Marlins 12 or 13 batters. Moyers is going to get balls in play (which is why Nunez was playing tonight).
Some highlights:
- My buddy came up from the Diamond Club to visit me. He had predicted earlier that Howard would hit 2 HR. We were talking behind 324 when Howard CRUSHED his first homer.
- Rowand's SHOT was INCREDIBLY HIGH. I hadn't seen a ball that high since Bonds 713 last year. The people in my section asked me to leave when I returned because those 2 hit their homers when I got out of my seat.
- The fans seemed like they were DYING to boo Burrell but couldn't because of his current stretch.
- I couldn't wait to get home and read beerleaguer to see who was giving up on Moyer after the first 2 innings. Yup... the usual suspects. It was refreshing to be at the game rather than reading along.
- Hidden Play of the game: 2nd inning Iguchi catches humpback liner with the bases loaded. That ball gets through, might be a different ball game.
- Roberson's catch was one of the best I've ever seen in person.
- Roberson's throw in the 9th got a standing O (he might have doubled Linden off if Howard was paying attention. Someone save that for Howard's arbitration.
- Jaded Phillies fans? Howard's second homer did not generate curtain call. "Hey Ryan, we'll call you out for 3. " Thought that was amusing.
- Did I mention how MUGGY and HOT it was. But I think that's when the ball jumps. Supposedly, but I'm no scientist. It was suffocating. Thank God we didn't need Moyer to go 7 or 8.
Phillies Veggie Friendly???
Last year or the year before, my sister tried the Gardenburger. Her face twisted, it was so bad. I tasted it. It was GOD AWFUL>>> But maybe it's better?
All I know is, last night I had a Schmitter for the first time in months. It was wonderful!!!