Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Your Manager of the Phillies It seems Charlie Manuel really likes that movie about girls baseball with Rosie O'Donnell:

"If every one of our players felt [like Moyer] it would be good," Manuel said. "There's no slacking off in baseball. There might not be any crying in baseball, but there's no slacking off, either."

Yup, that's our manager!

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-- Mike Cunningham,


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Philly Sports HQ -- Inside the Dugout -- Phillies

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Last Modified
3/2/2007 10:40 AM
Story Summary
Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day: It seems Charlie Manuel really likes that movie about girls baseball with Rosie O'Donnell.
Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Your Manager of the Phillies It seems Charlie Manuel really likes that movie about girls baseball with Rosie O'Donnell:

"If every one of our players felt [like Moyer] it would be good," Manuel said. "There's no slacking off in baseball. There might not be any crying in baseball, but there's no slacking off, either."

Yup, that's our manager!

Wanna Chat about anything you read here? To start chatting click here!.

-- Mike Cunningham,


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