What's Going On? --
Proof of Concept Podcast #148

What's Going On? -- <br>Proof of Concept Podcast #148

Proof of Concept #148

Proof of Concept Podcast St. Patrick's Day is upon us and Uncle Seamus is back with some Irish Toasts, Irish Jokes and a terrible Irish Accent. Help us celebrate St. Patrick's Day with the latest podcast.

We have a brief tribute to Ron Silver, "His Father is the District Attorney", we admonish the Pope regarding his stance on Condoms in Africa. And All the Irish Toasts you can sink your teeth into from our Uncle Seamus O'Donel Liam Cookie O'Puss Cunigan.

Contact Us

HammRadio.com Hotline:
267-828-0112. Leave message after second beep.
Podcast E-Mail:
ProofOfConcept at hammradio.com

Just Click The Arrow and Play! (NOTE: will play the MOST recent Podcast!)

Wanna Chat about anything you read here? To start chatting click here!.

Mike Cunningham-- Mike Cunningham, HammRadio.com


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What's Going On -- Articles

What's Going On? --
Proof of Concept Podcast #148

Last Modified
3/17/2009 11:57 AM
Story Summary
St. Patrick's Day is upon us and Uncle Seamus is back with some Irish Toasts, Irish Jokes and a terrible Irish Accent. Help us celebrate St. Patrick's Day with the latest podcast.
What's Going On? -- <br>Proof of Concept Podcast #148

Proof of Concept #148

Proof of Concept Podcast St. Patrick's Day is upon us and Uncle Seamus is back with some Irish Toasts, Irish Jokes and a terrible Irish Accent. Help us celebrate St. Patrick's Day with the latest podcast.

We have a brief tribute to Ron Silver, "His Father is the District Attorney", we admonish the Pope regarding his stance on Condoms in Africa. And All the Irish Toasts you can sink your teeth into from our Uncle Seamus O'Donel Liam Cookie O'Puss Cunigan.

Contact Us

HammRadio.com Hotline:
267-828-0112. Leave message after second beep.
Podcast E-Mail:
ProofOfConcept at hammradio.com

Just Click The Arrow and Play! (NOTE: will play the MOST recent Podcast!)

Wanna Chat about anything you read here? To start chatting click here!.

Mike Cunningham-- Mike Cunningham, HammRadio.com


Commenting Disabled


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