What's Going On? --
Proof of Concept Podcast #145

What's Going On? -- <br>Proof of Concept Podcast #145

Proof of Concept #145

Proof of Concept Podcast After realizing that today is Friday the 13th AND the day before Valentine's Day, we have some special treats. Like Least Romantic Lines in Movies ever. Although, that bit might have fallen flat on it's back. Jerry Springer takes on Peter Gabriel and Chuck Yeager In Who's the Biggest Celebrity Born on Today. The Pomegranate Phone triggers a potential war on Canada threat and Septa goofs up on it's weekly pass. And all the romantic music for your valentine.

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ProofOfConcept at hammradio.com

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Mike Cunningham-- Mike Cunningham, HammRadio.com


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What's Going On -- Articles

What's Going On? --
Proof of Concept Podcast #145

Last Modified
2/13/2009 1:42 PM
Story Summary
It's Friday the 13th. The Day before Valentine's Day. It's like the Goth Valentine's day. Fun. The recipe? Romantic Music and Comedy, you can't beat it.
What's Going On? -- <br>Proof of Concept Podcast #145

Proof of Concept #145

Proof of Concept Podcast After realizing that today is Friday the 13th AND the day before Valentine's Day, we have some special treats. Like Least Romantic Lines in Movies ever. Although, that bit might have fallen flat on it's back. Jerry Springer takes on Peter Gabriel and Chuck Yeager In Who's the Biggest Celebrity Born on Today. The Pomegranate Phone triggers a potential war on Canada threat and Septa goofs up on it's weekly pass. And all the romantic music for your valentine.

Contact Us

HammRadio.com Hotline:
267-828-0112. Leave message after second beep.
Podcast E-Mail:
ProofOfConcept at hammradio.com

Just Click The Arrow and Play! (NOTE: will play the MOST recent Podcast!)

Wanna Chat about anything you read here? To start chatting click here!.

Mike Cunningham-- Mike Cunningham, HammRadio.com


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