HammRadio Today: 5/12/2008 --
The Dukes and the Sopranos now on iTunes
Last Modified
5/12/2008 11:05 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
My 82 year old grandfather understands differential pricing. Why did it take iTunes this long and ruin it's relationship with NBC? Greed? Yeah probably.

Variable pricing for iTunes for TV shows? Apple and HBO made a deal that pretty much guarantees that's the model going forward. Remember when NBC pulled their programming for that very same reason? I guess Steve Jobs realized that a premium pricing strategy will work.
Why Apple was against this from the get go, I don't understand. They already set prices for different TV shows. Heck my 82 year old grandfather knew that his "Dogfights" shows were differently priced than his Eagles highlights. And he totally would understand that a Sopranos episode might cost more than a Flight of the Conchords episode. And that no one should pay for Arli$$.
And how does making South Park available for download for pay, when you can get it for free on SouthParkStudios.com. What about hulu.com and Comcast's Fancast.com? How will this competition continue? Can either survive? One has commercials one doesn't. And certainly, anyone watching South Park is kind of sick of the Grand Theft Auto IV commercials right?
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
- AFI presents: 100 Numbers
- This is fantastic.
- Gas too High? Nope, Gas is TOO LOW!!!
- There is a good point here. For the Ron Paul anti-tax wingnuts who believe the Market will drive economy and driving the building of an infrastructure. If that were true, wouldn't business in big cities try to improve commutes for for their employees? By funneling money to build bigger roads? Build better public transportation systems? Ron Paul will argue that the government has a monopoly on those areas. Well I say Ron Paul is an idiot.
- Crappy Statistics
- If I used more than 10% of my brain or swallowed less spiders in the last year. I would be able to write a better analysis of this list.
- A movie makes $20MM tanks???
- I mean the movie looks like it sucks so bad that I'm shocked that it MADE 20 million dollars. So I wouldn't exactly call it tanking.
- Dennis Farina still thinks he's a cop.
- Just a couple of days after the Sports Guy references a famous Dennis Farina airport scene (Midnight Run).
- Billy Casper Golf managing City Courses
- My Dad is a regular at John F. Byrne Golf Course and he has been noticing some changes. The fairways look to be manicured with a cross-cut mowing. The bunkers have new sand. And prices have been raised. This story from back in November that I must have missed has BIlly Casper Golf taking over the management of Byrne's, Cobbs Creek and FDR. My Dad and I played there 3 weeks ago. My niece was born that night just after midnight. I don't know what the connection. But let's just say Billy Casper is improving my Dad's life.
- HammRadio.com's suggested On-Line listening Stations
- Pows of the Day:
Gomez "How we operate" Indie 103.1
The Verve "Lucky Man" Indie 103.1
nada surf "Inside of Love" Indie 103.1
MGMT "Time To Pretend" Indie 103.1
Kate Nash "Foundations" Indie 103.1
*** POW OF THE DAY ***
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