HammShop's April Deals --
Spring vacations planned?
Last Modified
4/13/2008 12:27 AM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
It's April, baseball starts, the playoffs begin for the NBA and NHL. The Masters too. So as spring begins and we add more deals for this month.

It's April, baseball starts, the playoffs begin for the NBA and NHL. The Masters too. So as spring begins and we add more deals for this month. Check back here. Each month will will provide you with more links from our affiliates. When you support our affiliates. You support HammRadio.com. Don't forget to visit our store at CafePress.
Here are April's deals from our affiliates:
Deal Ends -- April 30, 2008
Deal Ends -- April 30, 2008
Deal Ends -- April 30, 2008
Indie Music Sale: Indie Music Sale: Buy 2 CDs, Get the 3rd Free! Pick up the latest by Radiohead, Mike Doughty, The National and more.
Get Professional DJ Packages from Amazon.com!
Travel Deals
While American Airlines is cancelling flights. Why don't you see what United has to offer?
Round-Trip United Flights from $101+
. Expires 4/18/2008.
I know gas prices are crazy insane. But split the difference with the rental car. Small is Beautiful! Rent a Compact Car w/ Budget From $119/ Week!
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