HammRadio Today: 1/9/2008 --
Shock and Tears
Last Modified
1/9/2008 7:06 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
I guess, it's the tears that count. Hillary wins in New Hampshire in a SHOCKING UPSET!!! And other links to shock
I guess, it's the tears that count. Hillary wins in New Hampshire in a SHOCKING UPSET!!! Really? First of all, obama and hillary are statistically pretty darn close. Edwards who placed a distant third in the Live Free or Die state is right there too. So it's not Obama was the front runner. He won Iowa. Great. But he didn't blow anyone away. And while Hillary was third. It wasn't like she was that far behind.
But who knew Junk Journalism would be defeated, with an overwhelming response from Despearate Housewives viewers. Junk Journalism isn't affecting this election. It's the TV Strike!!! With nothing new on TV, except for the Wire and Friday Night Lights, two shows that other people keep telling me to watch, but I haven't yet watched, people are spending more time watching politics!
I don't know who that's good for. We've spent the last 30 years ignoring politics, now all of a sudden people are paying attention. Heck, even Howard Stern has noticed Ron Paul. Should be an exciting 2008. Or the complete opposite.
Over in the GOP, McCain wins. But is this an overwhelming win? I have no idea. What I do know is, that the Republican National Committee has penalized New Hampshire, Michigan and Florida delegates for having early primaries. So while this helps McCain today, it may not help him during the convention! Yeah, I know, I'm confused too. I'm just trying to figure out for whom the RNC is trying to manufacture this election.
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