Digital Tributary -- This Week in Videos
Pickles, Dubya, Spiderman 3, Clerks 2 and more!
Last Modified
6/28/2006 1:32 AM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
So you like Videos??? You like me bringing you the best of the videos... Well here you GO!!! Hot chick Alert!!! Rosario Dawson!!!

Another Crazy week in videos on the net. Usually this is a Sunday night feature. So we're a little late as usual. oh well. We have a couple of Movie Trailers and some fun from around the world of Videos!!!
- Thanks Sports Guy for Stealing My Idea!
- Actually, here's a great list of all time great moments from You Tube. But Bill there's more than just YouTube!
- Spiderman 3 Trailer
- It's a Nerd... It's Lame... It's Topher Grace! Actually the trailer looks great. For more great trailers check out
- Will Ferrell doing Dubya for a Relief special. Tsunami?
- There's nothing funnier than making fun of Dubya. Seriously.
- Pickle Phobia
- This is fabulous. We all have irrational fears somewhere deep inside us. Me... I'm afraid to fly. And to eat the Peanut Butter Side of a piece of bread after it fell Peanut Butter first on the floor even before the 5 second rule is up. But this is ri-Gawd-Damn-diculous.
- I'd be this kind of Baby, I think
- Dukes of Hazzard 2: Hazzard County Drift???
- Um... Drifting seems pretty cool. Man I love the General Lee... I'm not a car guy... but that car gives me an erection. Oh, no. Sorry that was the nurse from the last film.
- Finally the 2006 Star Wars Fan Film Finalists from AtomFilms
- And I couldn't get through all of them. Okay... I'll vote for the Pitching Lucas one. God awful.

Clerks ||
Kevin Smith ||
Will Ferrell ||
Dubya ||
Pickle Phobia ||
Maury Povich Sports Guy Hall of Fame ||
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