HammRadio Today: 03/31/2004
Last Modified
3/31/2004 9:00 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Gruesome images of Iraqis defiling dead Americans. What is Bush going to do about it?

Iraqis Drag 4 U.S. Bodies Through Streets -- Time to Vote Bush out of Office
The White House continues to blame "terrorists" for the insurgent attacks. Well, perhaps they use Terrorist like activities, but are they really terrorists? It carries the Republican talking points to call these bombings and attacks Terrorist Acts, when they are really a continuation of the Iraqi War.
We haven't learned at thing since Somalia? Despite Mark Bowden's wonderful book and the gripping movie "Black Hawk Down". The mistakes made by Clinton in Somalia in particular the lack of support of the troops led to those American soldiers being overwhelmed. Republicans love to point out those mistakes. But here we have a president who had the gaul to board a fighter jet, land it on a Air Craft Carrier and claim "Mission Accomplished".
How so, Mr. President? How so? You said in your speech that day "No device of man can remove the tragedy from war, yet it is a great advance when the guilty have far more to fear from war than the innocent." Who are the guilty and innocent today? Because it doesn't look like the "terrorists" fear a thing. And the innocent continue to die.In Rumsfeld's privatised army, we know have non-military personnel dying from attacks by Iraqis. Is their blood any different than those who died on 9/11 that you claim you are avenging in Iraq? What about the young men and women that you shared Thanksgiving with, Mr. President? Have you sent them on a mission without chance of winning? You called this a victory in the war on terror? If it is the terrorists who still killing American soldiers. How could you have claimed victory?
Richard Clarke apologized to the families of 9/11 for not doing enough for failing them. Mr. President, when are you going to apologize to the American people who continue to lose their sons and daughters in an unjust war. Fortunately, this November, Mr. President, the American people will ask for your keys to the White House back. We require all copies that you may have handed out to any member of your family and executive of Halliburton. We appreciate the strength and leadership you showed in the days following 9/11. But your veiled attempts of linking Iraq with the War on Terror was weak and has not held up under continued scrutiny. And for that we have to show you the door.
- Yahoo.com: Iraqis drag US Bodies
- Transcript of Bush's speech on the USS Lincoln.
- Fact checking Condi Rice
Who is your favorite Seinfeld Character?
After claiming victory on the War against Pudding Pop Banishment, HammRadio is moving on to a new challenge. On Monday, you will be able to vote for your favorite Seinfeld Character. In concert with our friends at Lakeside-Park.com, we will bring you a Tournament that will outshine the NCAA's. Check back here at HammRadio for MORE information each day!!!
No Blood For Oil?
One thing Americans don't realize that they won't get "free oil" for bombing the heck out of Iraq. In fact what we saw in the FIRST Bush-Iraq War and the SECOND Bush-Iraq War, INCREASES immediately after the war. But slowly over time those prices will go down. If you look at this chart: Average Gas Prices; you will see that during the Clinton administration gas prices DROPPED. But towards the end of his presidency they began to rise. Peaking around 2000. These prices dropped again over the next 2 years while Bush 1 was in office. What does that mean? Damned if I know. But all I know is OPEC wants to increase prices even FURTHER!!! But Bush and his cronies want you to think that Kerry's to blame for the CURRENT prices too, let alone this mysterious 50 cent tax hike that he proposes. See further.
Kerry has argued that Bush hasn't done anything to prevent OPEC from cutting oil prices, the Bush team responded the Democrats and Kerry want to tax Gas. Including a Calculator so that the not so smart Republicans who can't add 50 cents to a current gallon of gas. Unfortunately the gas tax that the Bush campaign is railing about was from a statement 10 YEARS ago. How much was gas then?? About $1.10. Add 50 cents? That would be about $1.60? Still pretty cheap huh? Certainly 50 cents on these inflated gas prices seem outrageous. At the average today, 1.75 that 50 cents would leap to 2.25. WHICH is still less than what San Diego is paying for gas. Check here to check the facts on this GAS TAX that Kerry seems to be proposing: FactCheck.org. But unfortuantely most Republicans won't read that because it's not filled with buttons and animated graphics that give them talking point answers.
- Easterblogg: Record Oil Prices? NOT.
- OPEC cuts Oil Prices
- GeorgeWBush.com: Kerry Gas Calculator
- Kerry responds to Gas Tax Attacks
Bush Relents on Rice
Kudo's to the Bush camp for realizing the importance of public testimony for the 9/11 commission. Also, we here at HammRadio.com salute you and Vice President Cheney for agreeting to testify infront of the entire commission rather than a select few. It is important that the truth be told here. So that future generations will not suffer what we have suffered. While you don't learn from your mistakes very well, perhaps the rest of us can.