HammRadio Today: 08/10/2005
Last Modified
8/12/2005 1:25 AM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
T.O. is sent home. Sports Guy has a Mail Bag. Explore the Genius of Bill Murray and Nuclear Bombs and Black holes.

T.O. Told To GO
In a stunning story, Terrell Owens was asked to leave Training camp after getting into a shouting match with Andy Reid. The disgruntled Owens, who has decided to make life a living hell for the Eagles while he is in his contract dispute, sat outside his McMansion in Moorestown as Cameras rolled to tell his side of the story. "It's Not My Fault," Owens said, referring to whether fans should be upset with this latest drama.
We'll have more on the Proof of Concept tomorrow, but it's time SOMEONE steps up to Mr. Owens. And Maybe it should be the leader of the team, Donovan McNabb.
Look for Mr. Owens and his agent Drew Rosenhaus who came running to Owens aid to stay at T.O.'s home to help diffuse or explode the situation, to be A$$-hole of the week nominees.
- AOL and MSN seize spammer assets
- AOL is going to be giving away a HUMMER. A Hummer H2 that they seized after winning a lawsuit with a spammer. They are also giving a way gold bars. What no Cialis Ready Tabs? No, Nigerian Lottery Winnings? No Sex with Farm Animals?
- Speaking of Having Sex with Farm Animals...
- Man dies from perforated colon after having sex with a HORSE. He was um... the receiver. I don't get it personally. I always thought it was women who fantasized about having sex with horses, and men being HUNG LIKE Horses.
- Rules for Audience Members at a Rock Concert
- As a frequent concert goer, this is dead on. I might have a few more to add to this list. But for now this will do.
- Ashley Burg, 17, may have worked in a sex ring.
- In a scene reminiscent of Boogie Nights, a young girl is dead, and some low lifes have conflicting stories. And all the parents have is pain.
- Sports Guy MailBag
- The latest from the greatest sports writer on the planet. Okay, maybe that's not true.
- The Best of Bill Murray
- Bill Murray's best moments in film.
- Able Danger
- GOP congressman, Curt Weldon seems to have inside information where the CIA and FBI couldn't communicate about Mohamad Atta, one of the 16 hijackers and leader of the 9/11 attacks.
- What is the Phillies Black Hole?
- It seems when David Bell and Mike Lieberthal hit back to back, the Phillies LOSE big time. Even DNL got into the act.
- We celebrate 60 years since the first Atomic Bomb explosions this week.
- But did the radiation cause new species to develop? According to Gullible.info: "After 1964, Hiroshima succeeded the Amazon basin as the region with the most new species catalogued per square mile per year." But have there been coverups? Or is there just a Godzilla?