Today is 12/19/2003
Last Modified
12/19/2003 10:40 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Libya drops WMDs, Bush says Iraq was going to get them anyway, and the Phillies pick up Millwood for another year.

To the Shores of Tripoli, What Not Yet?
Breaking News: Libya says they will drop their Weapons of Mass Destruction program. Huh? Why are we talking about Libya? Were we still mad at them? Was Khadafy watching the Reagan mini-series thinking it was CNN? Notice however that the British were doing the negotiations. I imagine Bush would have just nuked them to get it over with.
Never Had it, Never Will
Speaking of Bush, the guy is not a really a bright man. At least he doesn't come off that way in print nor on screen. The transcript below shows a guy, well a guy who seems out of place. I don't know if he belongs in another time or another dimension, but he doesn't belong in the Oval Office. Unfotunately, the capture of Saddam has sealed that. I think. That and Christmas. The malls are CROWDED!!! Although he did know what 'causis belli' meant. And that must mean something? Right.... It's a cause of war. Come on People! :) I had to look it up too. But this guy's arrogance amazes me. We all understood this guy was a dangerous person, but you sold us a picture that Iraq was going to give Osama Bin Jerkhead a nuclear weapon to ride in on a Fancy Brigade float on New Year's Day and set it off. Read some of it:
DIANE SAWYER: But stated as a hard fact, that there were weapons of mass destruction as opposed to the possibility that he could move to acquire those weapons still ?
PRESIDENT BUSH: So what's the difference?
PRESIDENT BUSH: The possibility that he could acquire weapons. If he were to acquire weapons, he would be the danger. That's, that's what I'm trying to explain to you. A gathering threat, after 9/11, is a threat that needed to be de ? dealt with, and it was done after 12 long years of the world saying the man's a danger. And so we got rid of him and there's no doubt the world is a safer, freer place as a result of Saddam being gone.
I'm sorry folks. This is unacceptable. This guy was no danger to the American people any more than Khadafy, Kim from North Korea, or Britney Spears. Oh well. At least WE GOT HIM!!!
Bush on Diane Sawyer TranscriptMillwood Accepts Arbitration
Folks here's your team your 5 man rotation: Millwood, Eric Milton, Randy Wood, Vincente Padilla all were All Stars once. Plus phenom Brett Myers. Your bullpen features Tim Worrell who had 38 saves for the NL West Division Champion Giants SETTING UP FOR Billy Wagner the 100 MPH Fastballers. That's pretty Damn Scary.
Add that to Thome, Abreu, Lieberthal and Byrd. Stir in some a return to form Burrell and David Bell. Well you have a team not only can win the Wild Card, but could VERY well win the East.
Christmas is coming the GOOSE is getting fat!