HammRadio Today: 6/3/2009 --
Clash Wednesday! Bruce Springsteen style.
Last Modified
6/3/2009 9:55 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
I've never seen Bruce Springsteen in Concert. Although, I once received a standing ovation at Breen's in Huntingdon Valley after a rendition of
Contact Mike Cunningham at Mike (at) HammRadio.com
I've never seen Bruce Springsteen in Concert. Although, I once received a standing ovation at Breen's in Huntingdon Valley after a rendition of "Born in the USA" shortly after we invaded Afghanistan in 2001. Springsteen was in Philly recently, and one of my buddies told me that he played London Calling. Being as this song is one of the greatest songs every written, I was overjoyed. But I wondered if he was able to pull it off? Well, you decide.
This is not the first time Springsteen played the song obviously. In 2003 after Joe Strummer died, Elvis Costello, Dave Grohl, Bruce and Little Steven,Tony Kanal of No Doubt, and Pete Thomas of the Attractions go together for the grammy's and performed this treat. I'm not sure why Little Steven gets lead vocals here, although I love his solos:
Here's a good article on charity event for Joe Strummer.
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