HammRadio Today: 2/12/2009 --
Name Names
Last Modified
2/13/2009 1:32 AM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
AROD has had a bad year. And it has gotten worse. Worse than dating a 50 year old woman who might be a Sleestak? Yes.

Pitchers and Catchers report in a just a day or two, and the steroid cloud over baseball has never been worse. Okay, maybe not really. But it feels like it. The best player in the game has admitted to steroids. The previous best player in the game, Barry Bonds is out of work (collusion?) because he's under indictment. Right now, Bud Selig is mulling whether he should punish Alex Rodriquez or not. It's hard to punish someone for failing a test that was given under the premise that there would be NO punishment. And because his name was leak by someone (Selig/Bonds/Kennesaw Mountain Landis) and the other 103 players who also failed the have not, someone is has a motive to go after the best in the game.
When a guy like JC Romero gets suspended 50 games, it has little juice. No pun intended. Okay, pun intended. But AROD? That will cause havoc. If we see names like those that were posted in the Mitchell report, it won't be very exciting. Unless it has half the Mets team. I'll might quicken my step some.
If Selig goes after AROD, he will be forced to name the other 103 players. Doug Glanville would have a problem with that. I don't think Curt Schilling would. Right now any punishment would put Selig in an actionable position from AROD. There's a ton of messes here. And heads need to role. Selig. Fehr. And more. Baseball needs to clean house up and down the ranks. It has to be done RIGHT now.
AROD has had a tough year. These allegations are just the cream of the crop. Banging a 50 year old , I mean Madonna pales in comparison to this.
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*** POW OF THE DAY ***
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