HammRadio Today: 12/13/2006 --
Arizin, Boyle, Brother's Boys Go To Heaven
Last Modified
12/13/2006 11:36 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Heaven welcomes a couple of Brothers' Boys. At least I'd like to think so. Plus, buying a diamond for the girl? Read this!

I like to think that "Brother's Boys" go to heaven. I'm a Brother's Boy. I went La Salle College High School, a Christian Brothers institution. Then it was off to La Salle University for some more education from the Christian Brothers.
NBA Great Paul Arizin died today. He was 78. Despite being cut from his high school team, Arizin worked on his game in independent and church leagues. And he discovered he had a jump shot. Well, he had to create the jump shot, so that he wouldn't slip on the wet gyms he played in. (Many in church basements.) If you've ever played basketball in a church basement, it's amazing someone could take that talent to the next level. But Arizin was an innovator, and created the jumpshot. Went on to Villanova (Nobody's perfect) and became one of the Top 50 players of all time.
Amazingly on the same day, another product of Christian Brother teaching passed away, from West Catholic to La Salle University to a monastery where he pursued the path of the Christian Brothers, Peter Boyle was marked by St. Jean Baptiste de La Salle. I wasn't a fan of Everybody Loves Raymond. But for some reason he always reminded me of my grandfather. A West Catholic product himself. I will always remember his performances in Taxi Driver and The Dream Team. But probably, more than anything, it's his performance in Young Frankenstein that resonates the most. I had the fortune of being taught by Brother Gerry Molyneaux at La Salle. And he frequently spoke of his good friend. And why not, he taught film!
I like to think that Brother's Boys go to heaven. St. Jean Baptiste De la Salle Pray for them. Live Jesus in our Hearts, Forever.
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