HammRadio Today: 08/21/2006 --
Nerd Consitution??? Just give me the Links!
Last Modified
8/21/2006 11:30 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Why would Nerds need to write a constitution? Well, so they can give themselves reasons to wear fancy StarFleet uniforms, of course!

HammLinks: Around the Web Today
Sometimes, you just need to get right to the links. No Preamble is needed. Especially, if you write your own NERD Constitution!
- Hitler themed restaurant???
- Wait, what? This restaurant is based on what? Of course is this any more offensive than "Trotsky's" the fictional club featured in Wayne's World?
- Wilbon on Tiger
- Why Tiger is phenemonal!
- iPod on the Battlefield?
- Remember when in Vietnam guys were entertained by smoking pot, drinking moonshine, and slowdancing with each other to motown? Or perhaps a USO chopper is downed filled with Playboy Playmates who are willing to help a brother out?
- Conlin | Moyer comes full circle
- Well the Phillies have committed to the Wild Card race. Despite dumping veterans at the deadline, they've
- Beam Me to Vegas
- It would be fascinating to go to one of these Star Trek Conventions, because there is probably a social hiearchy within this NERD Haven. And my guess is, the hierarchy is all determined by Federation Rank. Yes, my guess was correct.
- Privacy Debacle Hall of Fame
- Odds are, your information has been revealed by one of these blunders.
- HammRadio.com's suggested On-Line listening Stations
- Pows of the Day:
None POW worthy today!
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