Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Your Manager of the Phillies Well the spring is over, and Chris Coste is completing his Ron Stone impression in Scranton, Cole Hamels has drawn Uncle Charlie's attention. In fact, it has inspired to deliver some fantastic quotes!:

"If he can help us, I'm going to get him," Manuel said at one point. Later, Manuel talked about the risks with bringing up Hamels saying, "Columbus took a chance." And how does the skipper feel about left handers? "I love lefties. In fact I love anybody who can pitch."

Yup, that's our manager!

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-- Mike Cunningham,


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Philly Sports HQ -- Inside the Dugout -- Phillies

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Last Modified
5/3/2006 9:44 PM
Story Summary
Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day: Well the spring is over, and Chris Coste is completing his Ron Stone impression in Scranton, Cole Hamels has drawn Uncle Charlie's attention.
Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Your Manager of the Phillies Well the spring is over, and Chris Coste is completing his Ron Stone impression in Scranton, Cole Hamels has drawn Uncle Charlie's attention. In fact, it has inspired to deliver some fantastic quotes!:

"If he can help us, I'm going to get him," Manuel said at one point. Later, Manuel talked about the risks with bringing up Hamels saying, "Columbus took a chance." And how does the skipper feel about left handers? "I love lefties. In fact I love anybody who can pitch."

Yup, that's our manager!

Wanna Chat about anything you read here? To start chatting click here!.

-- Mike Cunningham,


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Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day