Phillies BLOW 4 run lead in the 8th inning. Give up 9 runs in the last 2 innings.
Last Modified
9/18/2004 12:51 AM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Phillies bullpen come up VERY small and give a 4 run lead, on a night that Bonds made history. How did Bonds go from from having a career like the Bull to a one like Ruth?

Phillies Blow... just plain blow
It's hard to believe, that the Phillies have once again proven that they are Just not good enough to be in the elite. Are they one player away? 2? Do they need a complete overhaul? I have no idea. Last week the bullpen really helped lock down games helping the Phillies win 6 in a row. This week, they have done everything in their power to lose games. Tonight was no different, Madson, Rodriquez, Cormier and Worrell combined to give up 9 runs in the 8th and 9th innings. Billy Wagner was not available tonight because of his suspension. But that is no excuse. They lost to the last place Expos, who they successfully handled most of the year (9-4) going into tonight's game. They need to salvage this week and win the next 2.
Coming into this week on the heels of a winning streak the Phillies had a real chance to make a move back into the Wild Card race after winning 9 of 10. What do they do? Lose 3 out of 4. Just plain horrible. Horrible. I don't know what more to say about this team. It is so darn frustrating.
Bondsian Feat?
Barry Bonds hit number 700 tonight. Congrats Barry. I would love to know for sure that you didn't do any drugs. Barry finished the 2000 season with 494 homers. In the next 4 years, Bonds has hit 206 home runs and pass 3 huge milestones moving into 3rd place. At the end of the 2000 season Bonds was 35 years old. Does that really make sense to anyone?
Bonds didn't hit his 100 homer until his 5th season. It would take almost 3 years to get to 200. After 8 seasons in the big leages Bonds had 222 homers. Ruthian? Hell that was more like Greg Luzinski.
My father said the other night, when I asked him what he thought about Bonds hitting 700, "I just finished watching Barry Pepper in 61*. And after that, I'm not counting Bonds nor McGwire's homers. I can't count those drug induced homers." When you watch baseball for as long as my father, you do see amazing things. Sometimes you see abberations, like Maris' year in 1961 was a huge abberation. But what we are seeing with Bonds, defies imagination. Congrats Barry. I hope that the homers were clean. But, my eyes see otherwise.