How do you get a man to do his first podcast since July? Well, one send your roommate to Japan. Second, make sure the Phillies are in the playoffs in October. Phillies, Playoff Beards and Tug McGraw, what else can you want?
The CIA was warned by the French. Yes, those same French folks who didn't let us use their air space and then we changed the name of our beloved French Fries to Freedom Potato Sticks.
There was no podcast on 9/11/2001. Of course, I wasn't doing podcasts then. Regardless... Today, we will honor those lost by not air our weird humor and other nonsense.
We're back after a 12 day hiatus. Today we talk about Sex in Outer Space, Celebrity Duets, The Phillies, and a Wedding Proposal gone wrong... NO no ladies... not me... I'm still single...
Today we have the Wild and the Wacky. And we talk about Rick Mariano and Tom Delay. Two Politicians with different ways of handling their impending indictments.